Product Information
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Pest Out Miticide

JH Biotech
EPA Registration #: None
Golf Course
Signal Word: 25 B Exempt
Service Type:
Agricultural, Greenhouse - Nursery


This natural miticide and insecticide provides excellent control on pests such as mites, thrips, and aphids. The natural oils in this product are toxic to pests and utilize other unique modes of action to control difficult pests. Beyond just targeting bad pests, Pest Out® is less harmful to beneficial fauna than most other insecticides. Pest Out is a FIFRA 25b exempt pesticide (Rule 40 CFR 152.25). Pest Out has shown the ability in independent, replicated field and greenhouse trials to control mite populations for 3-4 weeks with a 1% spray solution. Pest Out is applied as a foliar spray and should be a great addition to a well managed IPM program. It is made from 100% organic components so their is no danger of toxic effects to humans or animals.

For control of various mites and insects on many types of crops such as melons, squash, tomatoes, tree crops, grapes, cucumbers, and all sorts of flowers. 



Fire Hazard

Health Hazard

Reactivity/Instability/Physical Hazard

Special Hazard (NFPA)/ Personal Protection (HMI)