Product Information
For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.

Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait

Innovative PC Products
EPA Registration #: 73766-2
Active Ingredients: Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate
Signal Word: Caution
Service Type:
General Pest Control, Lawn & Ornamental
Mode of Action:
Pesticide 8D
Labeled Pests:
Ants (Excluding Carpenter, Fire, Pharoah), Carpenter Ants, Cockroaches
Use Sites:
Apartments (Interior), Buildings & Structures, Homes (Interior), Landscape, Lawn, Ornamentals, Perimeter, Warehouses - Commercial Industrial Bldgs


DOT Liquid Ant Bait that can be used in liquid ant bait stations.