Product Information
For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.

Nature-Cide All-Purpose Insecticide

EPA Registration #: Exempt
Active Ingredients: Clove Oil , Cottonseed Oil
Signal Word: Caution
Service Type:
General Pest Control, Lawn & Ornamental
Labeled Pests:
Ants (Excluding Carpenter, Fire, Pharoah), Aphids, Army Worms, Asian Lady Beetles, Bed Bugs, Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Caterpillars, Cigarette Beetles, Clothes Moths, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Earwigs, Fleas, Flies , Hornets, Mites, Mosquitoes, Moths, Pharoah Ants, Silverfish, Spiders, Stink Bugs, Ticks, Whiteflies, Yellow Jackets
Use Sites:
Buildings & Structures, Ornamentals, Perimeter


Used for elimination of multiple indoor and outdoor pests.  Kills on contact.