Product Information
For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.

Malathion 50% E.C.

Southern Ag
EPA Registration #: 829-282
Active Ingredients: Malathion
Signal Word: Caution
Service Type:
Agricultural, Lawn & Ornamental
Labeled Pests:
Aphids, Bagworms, Cabbage Worms, Caterpillars, Fruit Flies (Vinegar Flies), Japanese Beetles, Lacebugs, Leafhoppers, Leafminer, Leafrollers, Loopers, Mealybugs, Mosquitoes, Moths, Phylloxera, Plant Bugs, Spider Mites, Thrips, Whiteflies
Use Sites:
Agricultural Areas, Landscape, Ornamentals, Trees


Controls insects on outdoor ornamental plants, fruit trees and vegetables.



Fire Hazard

Health Hazard

Reactivity/Instability/Physical Hazard

Special Hazard (NFPA)/ Personal Protection (HMI)
Environment (Non-Mandatory)
Exclamation Mark
Flame Over Circle
Health Hazard