Product Information
For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.

Victor V Multi Kill Blocks II - NY Stamped

EPA Registration #: 36488-63
Active Ingredients: Difenacoum
Signal Word: Danger
Service Type:
Rodent Control
Labeled Pests:
Mice, Rats, Voles
Use Sites:
Animal Housing, Apartments (Interior), Attics, Basements, Buildings & Structures, Crawl Space, Food Processing Plants, Homes (Interior), Hospitals, Hotels / Motels, Nursing Homes, Perimeter, Pet Kennels, Restaurants, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment, Warehouses - Commercial Industrial Bldgs


Kills Norway Rats, Roof Rats, House Mice, Polynesian Rats, Cotton Rats, Eastern Harvest Mice, Golden Mice, Meadow Voles, White-throated Woodrats, Southern Plains
Woodrats, and Mexican Woodrats.



Fire Hazard

Health Hazard

Reactivity/Instability/Physical Hazard

Special Hazard (NFPA)/ Personal Protection (HMI)