For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.
Conserve SC
Dow AgroSciences / Corteva
EPA Registration #: 62719-291
Active Ingredients:
Signal Word: None
Service Type:
Agricultural, Greenhouse - Nursery, Lawn & Ornamental
Mode of Action:
Pesticide 5
Labeled Pests:
Ants, Army Worms, Bagworms, Beetles, Borers, Budworms, Cabbage Worms, Caterpillars, Cutworms, Fireworms, Flea Beetles, Fleas, Fruit Flies, Fruitworms, Leaf Beetles, Leafminer, Leafrollers, Loopers, Midges, Moths, Oakworms, Sawflies, Sod webworms, Spider Mites, Thrips, Webworms
Use Sites:
Greenhouse/Nursery, Landscape, Lawn, Ornamentals
Use Conserve SC Turf and Ornamental insect control, a fermentation derived insect control agent, for control of listed pests such as thrips, lepidopterous larvae, foliage feeding worms, and fire ants and other listed pests. For use on turfgrass, ornamentals including greenhouses and nurseries.