Product Information
For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.

Avian Control

Avian Enterprises
EPA Registration #: 88889-1
Active Ingredients: Methyl Anthranilate
Signal Word: Caution
Service Type:
Bird Control
Labeled Pests:
Use Sites:
Apartments (Interior), Athletic Fields, Attics, Hospitals, Hotels / Motels, Lawn, Nursing Homes, Recreational Areas, Restaurants, Schools, Supermarkets, Warehouses - Commercial Industrial Bldgs


Avian Control is a liquid bird repellent that will chase birds away. The product is a replacement for Migrate and Fog Force. Avian Control uses cutting-edge technology to efficiently repel undesirable birds without harming the birds, humans or other animals (including household pets). The repellent is effective against many types of nuisance birds including geese, pigeons, starlings and grackles. All of the ingredients in Avian Control are food grade. Avian Control can be either fogged or sprayed and is compatible with both types of equipment for ease of application. It is designed for effective use – less often, in less quantity and to better effect. In outdoor applications, Avian Control has a life expectancy of up to two weeks, but the results last much longer because birds “learn” to avoid areas treated with Avian Control. While non-lethal to birds, it acts as an irritant discouraging birds from amassing.