For informational purposes only. Always refer to the product label and safety data sheet. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy apply.
Durentis Insecticide
EPA Registration #: 279-9674
Active Ingredients:
Signal Word: None
Service Type:
Golf Course, Lawn & Ornamental
Mode of Action:
Pesticide 28
Labeled Pests:
Annual Bluegrass Weevil, Aphids, Army Worms, Bagworms, Beetles, Billbugs, Black turfgrass ataenius, Borers, Caterpillars, Chafers, Chinch Bugs, Crane Flies, Cutworms, Flies, Grubs, Japanese Beetles, June Beetles, Lacebugs, Leafminer, Sod webworms, Spittlebugs, White Grubs
Use Sites:
Athletic Fields, Golf Courses, Landscape, Lawn
For foliar and systemic control of insect pests in or on golf courses; sports and recreation turf; lawns and landscaped areas on and around residential, commercial and institutional properties and interior plantscapes. For foliar and systemic control of insect pests in commercial ornamental nurseries and greenhouses; and commercial sod farms.